Developed in 2014 and recognised by Public Health England as an effective approach to supporting men who are struggling to cope, the ManMade programme aims to help men develop strategies and coping skills to manage changes to their everyday life.
Evidence shows men face many challenges in life just like anybody else but often don’t deal with them as well as they could – Challenges might include loss of job, financial hardship, relationship tensions, isolation, loss of time structure and health issues including depression and anxiety.
ManMade looks to enable men to better survive the challenges they experience and support each other. To date, we have worked in prisons, with male carers, the unemployed and men with mental health needs men who are bereaved, as well as the wider community through the very well received ManMade Conference.
The key themes are not fixed but are tailored according to the needs of the group as identified with them. Areas covered include mental health awareness, personal identity, confidence building, promoting self-esteem, self-care, wellbeing and assisting life in others.
ManMade: The Conference was the first conference of its kind to address the growing concerns of our communities with organisations and key-note speakers from across the country coming together in a bid to raise awareness of the key struggle’s men were facing.